Name: Donna
AkA: Juggalette X
Age (dob): Jan 7 1985
Location: California
Down Since: Dark Lotus - Black Rain
YiM: Juggalette_X

Fav Artist: ABK
Fav CD: Black Rain / Riddle Box
Fav Joker's Card: Milenko / Riddle Box
Fav Song: Ka Boom!
Fav Quote: "... The first person that i killed was my first best friend" — ABK

About: um... i have only been down for a little while but i love every thing i have heard so far and i plan on being a juggalette for a long time (or till i die that is)

Props: um... just wanna say that ABK is the best (in my op.) but i love em all and mcl to all the lo's and lette's out there